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Background Workers

Background workers run in their own thread allowing cleanup / cron like workers to run in the background, by default flumine adds the following workers:

  • keep_alive: runs every 1200s (or session_timeout/2) to make sure clients are logged and kept alive
  • poll_account_balance: runs every 120s to poll account balance endpoint
  • poll_market_catalogue: runs every 60s to poll listMarketCatalogue endpoint
  • poll_market_closure: checks for closed markets to get cleared orders at order and market level


  • flumine: Framework
  • function: Function to be called
  • interval: Interval in seconds, set to None for single call
  • func_args: Function args
  • func_kwargs: Function kwargs
  • start_delay: Start delay in seconds
  • context: Worker context
  • name: Worker name

Custom Workers

Further workers can be added as per:

from flumine.worker import BackgroundWorker

def func(context: dict, flumine, name=""):

worker = BackgroundWorker(
    framework, interval=10, function=func, func_args=("hello",)
